Hello GHRPC Members.

There are a few things I was asked to post. 

We just received word that Rayonier ordered a Fire Ban on all of their properties. For those that plan to use the Promised Land Park, NO OPEN FIRES for now.

This is a reminder of the upcoming cookout at the range on Saturday July 20 2024 starting at 12 noon until around 2pm or so. This will be our second annual cookout. If you would like to bring something, feel free to to do so, it’s not required. Please join us, bring your family. The first one was a hoot.

We are asking for help with the weed cutting at the range. All around the building and any place else that our lawn mower cannot reach. There are weed eaters in the Maintenance Room. Your range key will unlock that door. Any help will be appreciated.

Hope all have a fun and safe 4th of July weekend.

Riley Morris


Hello GHRPC Members.

DRAFT Minutes for the Regular Meeting of the Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club
June 18, 2024
The Meeting was called to order @ 6:30 by Vice President Roy Pauley.

Executive Board/Trustees/Committee members present included:
President:          Riley Morris (Excused)
Vice President:   Roy Pauley
Treasurer:          Shaleen Scott
Secretary:          Diane Head
Trustee:             Gina Rawlings
Trustee:             Colin Scott
Trustee:             Jacob Matsen                                 

Committee Chairs:  
Lance Fry:  Trap Shoot                
Jerry Charlton: Black Powder (Absent)    
Gary Emberley: Pistol League             
Dale Hensley: .50 BMG (Absent)
TREASURER REPORT:  Shaleen gave the treasury report.

The Draft Meeting Minutes of May 21, 2024, minutes were read and by vote of the membership, approved. (April Minutes were amended.)

Minutes mentioned the announcement of the 2nd Annual GHR&PC Members Cook out scheduled for Saturday, July 20, 2024 from 12:00 p.m. (noon) – 2:00 p.m. (Please don’t come early or we will put you to work!)  Lower Range Will Be Closed For Shooting During Preparation, Set Up, Barbecue and Tear Down.  Upper Range Will Remain Open.

Jake reviewed the new club mandate for new and existing club members. The purpose behind the mandate of all members attending ONE monthly membership meeting a year is simply because members need to keep up to date on range policies and it seems some members have forgotten the basic rules of the Range. This has resulted in possible harm to members and definite damage to OUR RANGE. Going forward: A SHORT REVIEW OF THESE RULES WILL BE READ AT EVERY MEETING.

The GHR&PC Board agreed to implement a special paper punch for each Club Member’s membership card when they attend a meeting.

If you have a punched membership card, you may renew your 2024 membership at the monthly meeting or via USPS mail by sending your current punched membership card, a completed “B” form with your dues. 

If you have lost your card, it can be replaced for free at the meeting and punched at the same time, or you may have a replacement membership card mailed to you for a $5.00 fee, but you will still need to attend a meeting to get your membership card punched. The Executive Board will require members to attend at least 1 meeting annually. 
We recognize that some members will be exempt from this rule. Life members with disabilities, medical conditions, members that live out of county or state and members that rely on others to bring them to the range. To request an exemption referencing the above situations: Please send an email to the Gun Club with “Exemption” in the subject line. Give us a brief explanation of why you are asking for the exemption.
PLEASE KNOW WE ARE NOT ASKING FOR YOUR PRIVATE MEDICAL INFORMATION. This process requires you to be “On Your Honor” to request consideration. 
The Exemption Request will be reviewed by the committee on a case-by-case basis.  We will respond via email with our decision. We want to accommodate those members truly in need. 
Thank you, 
GHRPC Board of Directors

Roy gave instructions where tools and materials to replacement target boards are located.

Colin reminded current and new members of the Mail Chimp issues and that all notices are delivered via email from the “Gun Club”. He also gave reminders for new shooters, inside range safety, guest limits, guest waiver form requirements, the Firearm Safety classes offered, upcoming work parties as well as the parking lot reminder.

Shayleen: Members renewing via USPS please check the status of your payment with your bank prior to contacting her regarding membership card and key. Please allow 30 days for your card and key to arrive. She also reminded new members to email the club, with “NEW MEMBER” in the subject line to be added.

Jake reminded members to please clean up after yourselves at the Range and Promise Land. NO HUNTING AT THE RANGE OR IN THE PROMISE LAND PARK. He gave instructions on how to apply and register with Rayonier and completing the application with Roy was outlined.  You MUST complete the entire process to obtain your window sticker for the lease land. He also gave members notice of changes effecting the Promise Land members. The locks will be changed on 7/30/24 and to be kept on the list, members must contact Roy.

Gina informed members of the location of the guest waivers and reminded everyone to please be careful when you vote this year.

Eagle informed members of the website for free certification required by the state, if you do not NEED the class.

**ALL members should familiarize themselves with the location of the club’s safety and emergency equipment.
If you see damage or have an accident on the range, please notify Roy or Riley, immediately.

Basic Pistol and First Step Qualification Course: The course cost is $100.00 per person, with a $50.00 deposit at the Club meeting (with completed forms) to Riley or Roy, and $50.00 due at class. The class size is limited to 8-10 people. The class is on our website under the “TRAINING” Tab. Class applications and deposit can be turned into Riley Morris or Roy Pauley on the club meeting night before 6pm. This class is open to members and the public.  For more information, please go to our website and open the Training Tab.

TRAP SHOOT: Generally, Trap Shoots are scheduled for the first Saturday of the month (July 6, 2024) and the third Sunday of each month (July 21, 2024), with an occasional Saturday added. Bring $5.00 and a box of shells. If you win, you’ll win your $5.00 back. Dates are posted on our website calendar. NOTE: UPPER RANGE WILL BE CLOSED 9:00 am-12:00 pm. For more Trap Shoot information call Lance Fry @ 360-249-8043

BLACK POWDER GROUP: Meets on the 2nd Sunday of every month.                            
PISTOL LEAGUE:  Meets Jan-. Practice begins in December with a start date of the 2nd Monday in January (1/8/25) and continues for 10 weeks. 
BMG (Specifically Browning): Contact Dale Hensley.                           

NEW Members:
Nathaniel Foster Jr.    Tom Tzn-Chiang    Andrew Johnson    Tom Macklin   
Casey Schumacher      Derek Winn               Travis Wood            Kevin Goar

A total of 8 prospective members submitted their applications and introduced themselves to the Membership. Applicants were approved by The Membership & voted in as a block.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Head (Secretary)

PLEASE, NO New or Renewal memberships AFTER 6:00 p.m. at the monthly meetings and please be sure to PRINT your name on the Sign-In sheet at club meetings, activities, and donation of volunteer time to keep the club’s records accurate. Thank you!

The next meeting of the Grays Harbor Rifle & Pistol Club will be on:
Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at 6:30 p.m., at the indoor range of the
Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club
1362 E Hoquiam Rd, Hoquiam, WA 98550

CMP Sales Update


.45 Surplus Ammo Live on the CMP E-store
NLU 4S45M1911-200 $150 plus $15 shipping

Description: This ammo was produced by Winchester Military Ammunition (WMA) & Western Cartridge Company (WCC), between the 1950’s – 1990’s, and is non-corrosive, in reloadable brass cases. At 230 grain, expect a muzzle velocity of around 830 feet per second.

Featuring high quality Winchester components, this ammunition delivers outstanding reliability. This ammunition is loaded with a 230 grain full metal jacket bullet which is known for its positive functioning and exceptional accuracy. On impact this bullet does not expand and is ideal for target shooting. Whether for practice, target shooting or training exercises, Military Service Grade ammunition is a superb choice for high volume shooting.

One box per customer. Citizenship and club are required. If the customer has moved, a new 2A will need to be provided as well.

Visit the CMP E-Store to order.

7.62 NATO Version of the M1 Garand

CMP is now offering two 7.62 NATO versions of the M1 Garand. Customers must fill out the CMP MOD-1 / MOD-0 Disclaimer Affidavit and submit it with their order.

For more information on the 7.62 NATO version of the M1 Garand rifles, please visit https://thecmp.org/sales-and-service/m1-garand/#7.62NATOM1Garand.

Ordering information may be viewed at https://thecmp.org/cmp_sales/ordering-information/.

Bolt Action Rifle Limit
Effective April 10, 2024, customers are allowed to purchase up to 2 bolt action rifles per year. We have also made an exception for the Auction – if a customer has already purchased their limit but would like to bid on an auction bolt action, they are allowed to do so and purchase should they win the bid.

Expert Grade M1 Garand Rifles
CMP currently has a selection of Expert Grade M1 Garand Rifles available for mail orders, including .308 rifles. Once they’re sold out, we will not accept any more orders. View details on the Expert Grand M1 Garand Rifles at https://thecmp.org/sales-and-service/m1-garand/#expert-grade-m1-garand. Ordering information may be viewed at https://thecmp.org/cmp_sales/ordering-information/.

CMP Gift Certificates
CMP Gift Certificates can be used toward anything we offer – match entry fees, hats, t-shirts, rifle sales, competition equipment – and can be loaded with any amount, with a minimum of $20 and a maximum of $1,500. 

CMP Gift Certificates are now available on the CMP E-Store in denominations of $50, $100 or $500. Certificates can also be purchased in person at any of our facilities in Ohio and Alabama or customers may send in an order form for any amount, with a minimum of $20.


Thank you for your support of the Civilian Marksmanship Program.

Q U E S T I O N S ?

Have a question – we’d love to help you out!

CMP Customer Service: custserve@thecmp.org or call (888) 267-0796

Civilian Marksmanship Program | Camp Perry Training Site Bldg3

1000 N Lawrence Road, CMP (Attn: C. Elder),
Port Clinton, OH 43452

CMP Matches in Longview, WA 6/23, 8/25, 11/10

The Lone Oak Rifle & Pistol Club is holding a CMP-affiliated GSMM/Carbine Match on 06/23, 08/25 and 11/10, 2024.  The location of the range is: 380 Stewart Creek Rd, Longview, WA.  Match Begins: 9:00AM.

For more information you may contact the match director: Dale Hirsch at loneoak.rpc@gmail.com.

Please post this information for all your club members to see.  Thank you for helping make the Lone Oak Rifle and Pistol Club Match a success.  For information on holding your own CMP affiliated match please check out the CMP Competitions Webpage at http://thecmp.org/competitions/.

Kim Filipiak Training/Education & Competitions Associate
Civilian Marksmanship Program

Contact Linn Shipley with questions or use the contact information above to reach out to the match director.


DRAFT Minutes for the Regular Meeting of the Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club

March 19, 2024

The Meeting was called to order @ 6:30 by President Riley Morris.

Executive Board/Trustees/Committee members present included: 

President:          Riley Morris
Vice President:  Roy Pauley
Treasurer:          Shaleen Scott
Secretary:          Diane Head
Trustee:             Gina Rawlings
Trustee:             Colin Scott
Trustee:             Jacob Matsen                                 
Committee Chairs:  
Lance Fry: Trap Shoot                        
Jerry Charlton: Black Powder 
Gary Emberley: Pistol League  
Dale Hensley: .50 BMG
TREASURER REPORT:         Shaleen gave the treasury report.

The Draft Meeting Minutes of February 20, 2024, were read.
By vote of the membership, the February 20, 2024, minutes were approved.

Roy reminded all members that firearm safety is our number 1 priority at the range. He also requested all members to familiarize themselves with the locations of the ranges safety supplies.

Gina relayed Jim Walsh’s report of two bills that passed. The first was the police pursuit and the parent’s choice of medical care for students, not the school administration.

The new club mandate was reviewed by Riley, for new and existing club members. The purpose behind the mandate of all members attending one monthly membership meeting a year is simply because members need to keep up to date on range policies and it seems some members have forgotten the basic rules of the Range. This has resulted in possible harm to members and definite damage to OUR RANGE. Going forward: A SHORT REVIEW OF THESE RULES WILL BE READ AT EVERY MEETING.

The GHR&PC Board agreed to implement a special paper punch for each Club Member’s membership card when they attend a meeting. 

If you have a punched membership card, you may renew your 2025 membership at the monthly meeting or via USPS mail by sending your current punched membership card, a completed “B” form and your dues. 

If you have lost your card, it can be replaced for free at the meeting and punched at the same time, or you may have a replacement membership card mailed to you for a $5.00 fee, but you will still need to attend a meeting to get your membership card punched. The Executive Board will require members to attend at least 1 meeting annually

We recognize that some members will be exempt from this rule. Life members with disabilities, medical conditions, members that live out of county or state and members that rely on others to bring them to the range. To request an exemption referencing the above situations: Please send an email to the Gun Club with “Exemption” in the subject line. Give us a brief explanation of why you are asking for the exemption.
PLEASE KNOW WE ARE NOT ASKING FOR YOUR PRIVATE MEDICAL INFORMATION. This process requires you to be “On Your Honor” to request consideration. 
The Exemption Request will be reviewed by the committee on a case-by-case basis.  We will respond via email with our decision. We want to accommodate those members truly in need. 

Thank you, 
GHRPC Board of Directors


Riley gave the email reminder for current and new members.
Riley reminded members.
(1) If you bring it into or onto the range, take it out with you when you leave (the range does not have garbage service).
(2) Please try to park in an orderly fashion in the parking lot.
(3) Keep non-family member guests to two (2).
(4) Members entering or leaving the range, lock the gate behind them.
The contact numbers are on our website & posted at the range. If you see damage or have an accident on the range, please notify Roy or Riley, immediately.
Shayleen reminded members renewing via USPS to check the status of their payment with their bank prior to contacting her regarding their membership card and key.

Gina reminded new and current members of the club’s firearm safety classes, along with instructions on how to register.

Jake gave instructions re: signing up for the recreation and lease lands. He also reminded members to clean up after yourselves and that there is NO HUNTING in the park or the range.

To sign up for the recreation property through the Gun Club, you must first register with Rayonier at: https://www.rayonierhunting.com/Do Not select a specific land when registering. Once you have completed registration, contact Roy Pauley at: (360) 581-9885. Roy Pauley will provide a window sticker once you have registered on the Rayonier site. Again, please contact Roy after registering to complete the entire process.   

Colin informed new members and reminded existing members, that all maintenance for the range is on a volunteer basis. He asked that if you see something that needs repair/replaced and can, please do so. If you aren’t, please call Riley or Roy to request necessary maintenance.

TRAP SHOOT: Generally, Trap Shoots are scheduled for the third Sunday of each month. We will have an occasional Saturday shoot that will be announced at the meeting and posted on our web calendar. On the day of the trap shoot, the upper range will be closed from 9am to noon. The trap will commence at 9:30 am. Rifle shooters can shoot until 9am on this date. All other ranges will remain open. Lance reminded trap shooters to carry spent shells in pockets or carrier, otherwise leave them on the ground, until shooting is finished.
The next trap shoot is scheduled for Saturday, April 6, 20204 and Sunday, April 21, 2024 @ 9:30. Please check the latest minutes for the current Trap Shoot scheduled calendar dates. The list of Trap Shoot dates are also on the wall of the inside range, as well as the bulletin board and posted on our web page. For more Trap Shoot information call Lance Fry @ 360-249-8043

BLACK POWDER GROUP: Meets on the 2nd Sunday of every month.

PISTOL LEAGUE:  Meets Jan-March. (Practice begins in Dec). Lasts 10 weeks and will start the 2nd Monday in January (1/8/24).
BMG (Specifically Browning): Contact Dale Hensley.                                              

Basic Pistol and First Step Qualification CourseEagle Trover will be independently providing a Safety and Firearm course.

The cost will be $100.00 per person, with a $50.00 deposit upon registration for the class. The class size is limited to 8-10 people. Classes are set to be the last Sunday of each month; 1 to 6pm.

Class application and deposit can be turned into Riley Morris or Roy Pauley on the club meeting night before 6pm. This class is open to members and the public.  For more information, please go to our website and open the Training Tab.

NEW March Members:

Dave Barnard, Shawn Brewer, Kenny Cherry, Robert Clodfelter, James Hartley, Michael Heyting,  Edward Hixson, Gurwinder Jandu, Emmett Lenibak, Michael Lynch, Tyler McDougall, Ricky Otto, Walter Peterson, Nehemiah Vastinsalo, Edwin Woodard,  Eric Wuori, and Nolan Wyatt

A total of 17 prospective members submitted their applications and introduced themselves to the Membership. Applicants were approved by The Membership & voted in as a block.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Head (Secretary)

Club meetings are @ 6:30 PM, on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

It is HIGHLY recommended that new members and members renewing arrive at 5:30 p.m., to expedite the application/payment process and ensure that the meeting starts on time.  Please inform prospective members of this as well. 

NO New or Renewalmemberships will be processed, AFTER 6:00 p.m. at the monthly meetings.

Please be sure to PRINT your name on the sign-in sheet at club meetings, activities, and donation of volunteer time to keep the club’s records accurate.

Thank you!

The next meeting of the Grays Harbor Rifle & Pistol Club will be on:
Tuesday, April 16, 2024, at 6:30 p.m., at the indoor range of the
Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club
1362 E Hoquiam RdHoquiam, WA 98550


1917 Service and Field Grade Rifles
CMP has a very limited quantity of 1917 Service and Field Grade rifles available for mail orders. CMP Stores may also have a limited quantity. These are sold AS-IS with no returns or exchanges. Once these are sold out, we will not backorder these. Please keep in mind the yearly limit of one (1) 1917 per year, per person. If you have already purchased one this year, you are not eligible until January 2025. For more information on the 1917 rifles, please visit this link https://thecmp.org/sales-and-service/m1917-enfield-rifle-information/. Ordering information may be viewed at https://thecmp.org/cmp_sales/ordering-information/.
Expert Grade M1 Garand Rifles
CMP currently has a selection of Expert Grade M1 Garand Rifles available for mail orders, including .308 rifles. Once they’re sold out, we will not accept any more orders. View details on the Expert Grand M1 Garand Rifles at https://thecmp.org/sales-and-service/m1-garand/. Ordering information may be viewed at https://thecmp.org/cmp_sales/ordering-information/.
CMP Gift Certificates
CMP Gift Certificates can be used toward anything we offer – match entry fees, hats, t-shirts, rifle sales, competition equipment – and can be loaded with any amount, with a minimum of $20 and a maximum of $1,500.  CMP Gift Certificates are now available on the CMP E-Store in denominations of $50, $100 or $500. Certificates can also be purchased in person at any of our facilities in Ohio and Alabama or customers may send in an order form for any amount, with a minimum of $20. ORDER CMP GIFT CERTIFICATES!f4805fba-d4ef-47d9-a941-b469b602a9d6 image
Thank you for your support of the Civilian Marksmanship Program.
QUESTIONS – CONTACT LYNN SHIPLEY : shipleybutler@centurytel.net or 360-310-3720.

February Meeting Minutes

(3/7/2024)Hello GHRPC Members.
          DRAFT of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting of the Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club
February 20, 2024
The Meeting was called to order @ 6:30 by President Riley Morris.

Executive Board/Trustees/Committee members present included: 
President:          Riley Morris
Vice President:   Roy Pauley
Treasurer:          Shaleen Scott
Secretary:          Diane Head
Trustee:             Gina Rawlings
Trustee:             Colin Scott
Trustee:             Jacob Matsen                                 
Committee Chairs:  
Lance Fry:  Trap Shoot                        
Jerry Charlton: Black Powder                                                                                          
Gary Emberley: Pistol League                                                                                                     
Dale Hensley: .50 BMG
TREASURER REPORT: Shaleen gave the treasury report.

The Draft Meeting Minutes of January 16, 2024, minutes were read.
By vote of the membership, the January 16, 2024, minutes were approved.
Roy informed the club about the accidental discharge of a member’s firearm that occurred on the range Sunday. He gave an update on the member’s condition and asked that all members remember to practice safe firearm use and to familiarize themselves with the locations of the Trauma kit on both the upper & lower ranges.

Jim Walsh was the club’s guest speaker. He updated the club on the status of house bills, gave a list of Candidates running for office, and responded to questions from club members.

The new club mandate was reviewed by Riley, for new and existing club members. The purpose behind the mandate of all members attending one monthly membership meeting a year is simply because members need to keep up to date on range policies and it seems some members have forgotten the basic rules of the Range. This has resulted in possible harm to members and definite damage to OUR RANGE. Going forward: A SHORT REVIEW OF THESE RULES WILL BE READ AT EVERY MEETING.

The GHR&PC Board agreed to implement a special paper punch for each Club Member’s membership card when they attend a meeting. 
If you have a punched membership card, you may renew your 2024 membership at the monthly meeting or via USPS mail by sending your current punched membership card, a completed “B” form and your dues. 
If you have lost your card, it can be replaced for free at the meeting and punched at the same time, or you may have a replacement membership card mailed to you for a $5.00 fee, but you will still need to attend a meeting to get your membership card punched. The Executive Board will require members to attend at least 1 meeting annually

We recognize that some members will be exempt from this rule. Life members, members  with disabilities, medical conditions, members that live out of county or state and members that rely on others to bring them to the range. To request an exemption referencing the above situations: Please send an email to the Gun Club with “Exemption” in the subject line. Give us a brief explanation of why you are asking for the exemption.

PLEASE KNOW WE ARE NOT ASKING FOR YOUR PRIVATE MEDICAL INFORMATION. This process requires you to be “On Your Honor” to request consideration. 
The Exemption Request will be reviewed by the committee on a case-by-case basis.  We will respond via email with our decision. We want to accommodate those members truly in need. 

Thank you, 
GHRPC Board of Directors

Riley gave the email reminder for current and new members.
Riley reminded members.
(1) If you bring it into or onto the range, take it out with you when you leave (the range does not have garbage service).
(2) Please try to park in an orderly fashion in the parking lot.
(3) Keep non-family member guests to two (2).
(4) Members entering or leaving the range, lock the gate behind them.

The contact numbers are on our website & posted at the range. If you see damage or have an accident on the range, please notify Roy or Riley, immediately.

Shayleen reminded members renewing via USPS to check the status of their payment with their bank prior to contacting her regarding their membership card and key.

Gina reminded new and current members of the club’s firearm safety classes, along with instructions on how to register.

Jake gave instructions re: signing up for the recreation and lease lands. He also reminded members to clean up after yourselves and that there is NO HUNTING in the park or the range.

To sign up for the recreation property through the Gun Club, you must first register with Rayonier at: https://www.rayonierhunting.com/Do Not select a specific land when registering. Once you have completed registration, contact Roy Pauley at: (360) 581-9885. Roy Pauley will provide a window sticker once you have registered on the Rayonier site. Again, please contact Roy after registering to complete the entire process.   

TRAP SHOOT: Generally, Trap Shoots are scheduled for the third Sunday of each month. We will have an occasional Saturday shoot that will be announced at the meeting and posted on our web calendar. On the day of the trap shoot, the upper range will be closed from 9am to noon. The trap will commence at 9:30 am. Rifle shooters can shoot until 9am on this date. All other ranges will remain open. Lance reminded trap shooters to carry spent shells in pockets or carrier, otherwise leave them on the ground, until shooting is finished.
The next trap shoot is scheduled for Sunday, March 17, 20204 @ 9:30. Please check the latest minutes for the current Trap Shoot scheduled calendar dates. For more Trap Shoot information call Lance Fry @ 360-249-8043
BLACK POWDER GROUP: Meets on the 2nd Sunday of every month.

PISTOL LEAGUE:  Meets Jan-March. (Practice begins in Nov/Dec). Lasts 10 weeks and will start the 2nd Monday in January (1/8/24).
BMG (Specifically Browning): Contact Dale Hensley.                                                          

Basic Pistol and First Step Qualification CourseEagle Trover will be independently providing a Safety and Firearm course.
The cost will be $100.00 per person, with a $50.00 deposit upon registration for the class. The class size is limited to 8-10 people. Classes are set to be the last Sunday of each month; 1 to 6pm.
Class application and deposit can be turned into Riley Morris or Roy Pauley on the club meeting night before 6pm. 
This class is open to members and the public
For more information, please go to our website and open the Training Tab.

NEW February Members:
John Cribbs                           Charles Cromm                    Jesse Grover                        Anthony Mclucas
Anthony Nowak                    Robert Rasmussen              Deniese Sajdak                    Robert Sajdak      
Henry Sherman, Sr.            Tina Sith                                Barbara Vessey                    Trent Wood
Jeffery Wooldridge             Robert Yowell                                      
A total of 14 prospective members submitted their applications and introduced themselves to the Membership. Applicants were approved by The Membership & voted in as a block.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Head (Secretary)
Club meetings are @ 6:30 PM, on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

It is HIGHLY recommended that new members and members renewing arrive at 5:30 p.m., to expedite the application/payment process and ensure that the meeting starts on time.  Please inform prospective members of this as well. 

NO New or Renewal memberships will be processed, AFTER 6:00 p.m. at the monthly meetings.

Please be sure to PRINT your name on the sign-in sheet at club meetings, activities, and donation of volunteer time to keep the club’s records accurate.
Thank you!

The next meeting of the Grays Harbor Rifle & Pistol Club will be on:
Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at 6:30 p.m., at the indoor range of the
Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club
1362 E Hoquiam RdHoquiam, WA 98550

January meeting minutes

Hello GHRPC Members.

Draft Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club
January 16, 2024

The Meeting was called to order @ 6:30 by President Riley Morris.

Executive Board/Trustees/Committee members present included: 
President:          Riley Morris
Vice President:   Roy Pauley (excused)
Treasurer:          Shaleen Scott
Secretary:          Diane Head
Trustee:             Gina Rawlings
Trustee:             Colin Scott
Trustee:             Jacob Matsen                                 
Committee Chairs:  
Lance Fry:  Trap Shoot                        
Jerry Charlton: Black Powder
Gary Emberley: Pistol League
Dale Hensley: .50 BMG
TREASURER REPORT: Shaleen gave the treasury report.

The Draft Meeting Minutes of December 19, 2023, minutes were read.
By vote of the membership, the December19, 2023, minutes were approved.
Riley announced that Jim Walsh will be the clubs guest speaker at our February 20th meeting thanks to Gina Rawlings hard work.
He also discussed with the group the definition of “Dawn to Dusk” in relation to hours of outdoor shooting allowed at the range.
The new club mandate was reviewed by Riley, for new and existing club members. The purpose behind the mandate of all members attending one monthly membership meeting a year is simply because members need to keep up to date on range policies and it seems some members have forgotten the basic rules of the Range. This has resulted in possible harm to members and definite damage to OUR RANGE. Going forward: A SHORT REVIEW OF THESE RULES WILL BE READ AT EVERY MEETING.
The GHR&PC Board agreed to implement a special paper punch for each Club Member’s membership card when they attend a meeting. 
If you have a punched membership card, you may renew your 2024 membership at the monthly meeting or via USPS mail by sending your current punched membership card, a completed “B” form and your dues. 
If you have lost your card, it can be replaced for free at the meeting and punched at the same time, or you may have a replacement membership card mailed to you for a $5.00 fee, but you will still need to attend a meeting to get your membership card punched.
The Executive Board will require members to attend at least 1 meeting annually
We recognize that some members will be exempt from this rule. Members with disabilities, medical conditions, Life members, members that live out of county or state and members that rely on others to bring them to the range. To request an exemption referencing the above situations: Please send an email to the Gun Club with “Exemption” in the subject line. Give us a brief explanation of why you are asking for the exemption.
PLEASE KNOW WE ARE NOT ASKING FOR YOUR PRIVATE MEDICAL INFORMATION. This process requires you to be “On Your Honor” to request consideration. 
The Exemption Request will be reviewed by the committee on a case-by-case basis.  We will respond via email with our decision. We want to accommodate those members truly in need. 
Thank you, 
GHRPC Board of Directors

Riley gave the email reminder for current and new members:
Riley announced to the club that proper documentation has been presented by Chuck Lair, he requested a club donation to Delta Park for Maintenance, the board voted in favor of a $400.00 annual donation to the park.
Riley reminded members.
(1) If you bring it into or onto the range, take it out with you when you leave (the range does not have garbage service).
(2) Please try and park in an orderly fashion in the parking lot.
(3) Keep non-family member guests to two (2).
(4) Members entering or leaving the range, lock the gate behind them.
The contact numbers are on our website & the whiteboard at the indoor range. If you see damage or have an accident on the range,  Please notify Roy or Riley, immediately.
Riley opened Election nominations for board members.
By vote of the attending membership the nominations currently are:
President, Riley Morris
Vice President, Roy Pauley
Treasure, Shayleen Scott
Secretary, Diane Head
Trustee, Jake Matsen

He also announced an additional membership card punch or membership renewal day for February 10, 2024 @ 12:00 Noon. Please do not be late
Shayleen reminded members renewing via USPS to check the status of their payment with their bank prior to contacting her regarding their membership card and key.

Gina reminded new and current members of the club’s firearm safety classes, along with instructions on how to register. She shared information of cost increase for the classes beginning in January 2024,

Jake gave instructions re: signing up for the recreation and lease lands. He also reminded members to clean up after yourselves and that there is NO HUNTING in the park or the range.

TRAP SHOOT: Generally, Trap Shoots are scheduled for the third Sunday of each month. We will have an occasional Saturday shoot that will be announced at the meeting and posted on our web calendar. On the day of the trap shoot, the upper range will be closed from 9am to noon. The trap will commence at 9:30 am. Rifle shooters can shoot until 9am on this date. All other ranges will remain open. To protect our equipment, there will NOT be a trap shoot if it is raining. So, if your head gets wet, stay home! Lance reminded trap shooters to carry spent shells in pockets or carrier, otherwise leave them on the ground, until shooting is finished.
The next trap shoot is scheduled for Sunday, 1/21/24 @ 9:30. Please check the latest minutes for the current Trap Shoot scheduled calendar dates-refer to the weather forecast as mentioned in the previous paragraph. For more Trap Shoot information call Lance Fry @ 360-249-8043
BLACK POWDER GROUP: Meets on the 2nd Sunday of every month.

PISTOL LEAGUE:  Meets Jan-March. (Practice begins in Nov/Dec). Lasts 10 weeks and will start the 2nd Monday in January (1/8/24).
BMG (Specifically Browning): Contact Dale Hensley.                                                          

Basic Pistol and First Step Qualification CourseEagle Trover will be independently providing the Safety and Firearm course.
Effective January 2024, the cost will be $100.00 per person, with a $50.00 deposit upon registration for the class. The class size is limited to 8-10 people. Classes are set to be the last Sunday of each month; 1pm to 6pm. Class application and deposit can be turned into Riley Morris or Roy Pauley on the club meeting night before 6pm. 
This class is open to members and the public
For more information, please go to our website and open the Training Tab.

To sign up for the recreation property through the Gun Club, you must first register with Rayonier at: https://www.rayonierhunting.com/. Do Not select a specific land when registering. 
Once you have completed registration, contact Roy Pauley at: (360) 581-9885.
Roy Pauley will provide a window sticker once you have registered on the Rayonier site. Again, please contact Roy after registering to complete the entire process.   

NEW December Members:
Jerry Felton                      Micah Dunning                 Earl Goodwin                    Jake Howard
George Kelly                     Erik Loewen                       Shane Lucas                      Christian Vaughn
Jessica Vaughn               Brett Wilson                      Vincent Hedrick                                              
A total of 11 prospective members submitted their applications and introduced themselves to the Membership. Applicants were approved by The Membership & voted in as a block.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Head (Secretary)
Club meetings are @ 6:30 PM, on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
It is HIGHLY recommended that new members and members renewing arrive at 5:30 p.m., to expedite the application/payment process and ensure that the meeting starts on time.  Please inform prospective members of this as well. 
NO New or Renewal memberships will be processed, after 6:00 p.m. at the monthly meetings.
(Please be sure you sign into club meetings, activities, and donation of volunteer time to keep accurate records. Thank you.)

 Visit our website Like us on Facebook Club meetings are at 6:30PM on the third Tuesday of each month
in the indoor range located at: 
Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club
1362 E Hoquiam Rd
Hoquiam, WA 98550

December meeting minutes

Hello GHRPC Members.

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club
December 19, 2023

The Meeting was called to order @ 6:30 by  President Riley Morris.

Executive Board/Trustees/Committee members present included: 
President:          Riley Morris
Vice President:   Roy Pauley
Treasurer:          Shaleen Scott
Secretary:          Diane Head
Trustee:             Gina Rawlings
Trustee:             Colin Scott
Trustee:             Jacob Matsen                                 
Committee Chairs:  
Lance Fry:  Trap Shoot                        
Jerry Charlton: Black Powder                                                                                         
Gary Emberley: Pistol League            (absent)                                                                                         
Dale Hensley: .50 BMG
  Shaleen gave the treasury report.
Riley recognized the installation of the new wood stove at the indoor range. Appreciation and thanks to Jake Wildler for the design/construction, as well Jake Matsen and John Pauly for the installation. The new club mandate was reviewed, for new and existing club members. The purpose behind the mandate of all members attending one monthly membership meeting a year is simply because it seems some members have forgotten the basic rules of the Range. This has resulted in possible harm to members and definite damage to OUR RANGE. Going forward: THESE RULES WILL BE READ AT EVERY MEETING. The GHR&PC Board agreed to implement a special paper punch for each Club Member’s membership card when they attend a meeting. 
If you have a punched membership card, you may renew your 2024 membership at the monthly meeting or via USPS mail by sending your current punched membership card, a completed “B” form and your dues. 
If you have lost your card, it can be replaced for free at the meeting and punched at the same time, or you may have a replacement membership card mailed to you for a $5.00 fee, but you will still need to attend a meeting to get your membership card punched. The Executive Board will require members to attend at least 1 meeting annually
We recognize that some members will be exempt from this rule. Members with disabilities, medical conditions, members that live out of county or state and members that rely on others to bring them to the range.To request an exemption referencing the above situations: Please send an email to the Gun Club with “Exemption” in the subject line. Give us a brief explanation of why you are asking for the exemption.
PLEASE KNOW WE ARE NOT ASKING FOR YOUR PRIVATE MEDICAL INFORMATION. This process requires you to be “On Your Honor” to request consideration. 
The Exemption Request will be reviewed by the committee on a case-by-case basis.  We will respond via email with our decision. We want to accommodate those members truly in need. 
Thank you, 
GHRPC Board of Directors

The Draft Meeting Minutes of November 21, 2023, minutes were read.
By vote of the membership, the November 21, 2023, minutes were approved.
Riley gave the email reminder for current and new members:
Reminder RE: Mail Chimp GHR&PC Newsletter:  
You will receive the newsletter from “Gun Club”DO NOT mark this email as SPAM. Once a newsletter has been labeled SPAM, Riley is unable to reinstate you on the Newsletter Email Group. RENEWAL reminders are sent via this email. Be informed. Don’t be sad or mad! New members must send the club an email with “New Member”, for your name to be added to the list.
Authentic (Mailchimp) emails will ALWAYS state “GUN CLUB” in the subject line. All communication, activities, range closures, work parties, etc. are sent via this email.

Roy re-visited some range rules that are being forgotten/overlooked, they were: 1. If you bring it into or onto the range, take it out with you when you leave (the range does not have garbage service). 2. Be sure you park in an orderly fashion in the parking lot. 3. The last member leaving the range needs to lock the gate. Roy also reminded members to say something as soon as it happens. The contact numbers are on our website & the whiteboard at the indoor range. If you see damage or have an accident on the range, notify Roy or Riley, immediately.

Shayleen reminded members renewing via USPS to check the status of their payment with their bank prior to contacting her regarding their membership card and key.

Gina reminded new and current members of the club’s firearm safety classes, along with instructions on how to register. She shared information of cost increase for the classes beginning in January 2024.

Jake gave instructions re: signing up for the recreation and lease lands. He also reminded members to clean up after yourselves and that there is NO HUNTING in the park or the range.

TRAP SHOOT: Generally, Trap Shoots are scheduled for the third Sunday of each month. We will have an occasional Saturday shoot that will be announced at the meeting and posted on our web calendar. On the day of the trap shoot, the upper range will be closed from 9am to noon. The trap will commence at 9:30 am. Rifle shooters can shoot until 9am on this date. All other ranges will remain open. To protect our equipment, there will NOT be a trap shoot if it is raining. So, if your head gets wet, stay home! Lance reminded trap shooters to carry spent shells in pockets or carrier, otherwise leave them on the ground, until shooting is finished.

The next trap shoot is on hiatus for November & December due to weather. Please check the latest minutes for the current Trap Shoot scheduled calendar dates-refer to the weather forecast as mentioned in the previous paragraph. For more Trap Shoot information call Lance Fry @ 360-249-8043
BLACK POWDER GROUP: meets on the 2nd Sunday of every month.

PISTOL LEAGUE:  Meets Jan-March. (Practice begins in Nov/Dec.) Lasts 10 weeks and  will start the 2nd Monday in January (1/8/24).
BMG (Specifically Browning): Contact Dale Hensley.                                                          
Basic Safety and Firearm CourseEagle Tovar will be independently providing a Safety and Firearm course. Effective January 2024, the cost will be $100.00 per person, with a $50.00 deposit upon registration for the class. The class size is limited to 8-10 people. Classes are set to be the last Sunday of each month; 1pm to 6pm. Class application and deposit can be turned into Riley Morris or Roy Pauley on the club meeting night before 6pm. This class is open for members and the publicFor more information, please go to our website and open the Training Tab.

To sign up for the recreation property through the Gun Club, you must first register with Rayonier at: https://www.rayonierhunting.com/
Do Not select a specific land when registering. Once you have completed registration, contact Roy Pauley at: (360) 581-9885.
Roy Pauley will provide a window sticker once you have registered on the Rayonier site. Again, please contact Roy after registering to complete the entire process.   

NEW December Members:
Lonnie Adkins                  Daniel Catron                    Carey Flewelling             Charles Flewelling   Dennis Krulich          Lewis Long Jr.    
Lanny McOmber               Charles Roman   Springs Seth                    Richard Villar     Jason Wintersteen        

A total of 11 prospective members submitted their applications and introduced themselves to the Membership. Applicants were approved by The Membership & voted in as a block.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Head (Secretary)
Club meetings are @ 6:30 PM, on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
It is HIGHLY recommended that new members and members renewing arrive at 5:30 p.m., to expedite the application/payment process and ensure that the meeting starts on time.  Please inform prospective members of this as well. 
NO New or Renewal memberships will be processed, after 6:00 p.m. at the monthly meetings.
(Please be sure you sign into club meetings, activities, and donation of volunteer time to keep accurate records. Thank you.)
Website:  https://graysharborgunclub.com  
Email: graysharborgunclub2000@yahoo.com  
 Visit our websiteLike us on Facebook 
The next meeting of the Grays Harbor Rifle & Pistol Club will be on:
Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 6:30 p.m., at the indoor range of the
Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club
1362 E Hoquiam Rd, Hoquiam, WA 98550
Visit our website Like us on Facebook Club meetings are at 6:30PM on the third Tuesday of each month
in the indoor range located at: 
Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club
1362 E Hoquiam Rd
Hoquiam, WA 98550

October meeting minutes


Draft Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club
October 17, 2023

The Meeting was called to order @ 6:30 by President Riley Morris.

Executive Board/Trustees/Committee members present included: 
President:          Riley Morris     
Vice President:   Roy Pauley
Treasurer:          Shaleen Scott
Secretary:          Diane Head
Trustee:             Gina Rawlings
Trustee:             Colin Scott
Trustee:             Jacob Matsen                                 
Committee Chairs:  
Lance Fry:  Trap Shoot                        
Jerry Charlton (Absent): Black Powder                                                                                      
Gary Emberley: Pistol League                                                                                             
Dale Hensley (Absent): .50 BMG
Shaleen gave the treasury report.
Riley announced the new policy regarding membership renewals. 
The purpose behind the mandate of all members attending one monthly membership meeting a year is simply because it seems some members have forgotten the basic rules of the Range. 
This has resulted in possible harm to members and definite damage to OUR RANGE. Going forward: THESE RULES WILL BE READ AT EVERY MEETING. 
The GHR&PC Board agreed to implement a special paper punch for each Club Member’s membership card when they attend a meeting. 
If you have a punched membership card, you may renew your 2024 membership at the monthly meeting or via USPS mail by sending your current punched membership card, a completed “B” form and your dues. 
If you have lost your card, it can be replaced for free at the meeting and punched at the same time, or you may have a replacement membership card mailed to you for a $5.00 fee, but you will still need to attend a meeting to get your membership card punched. 

The Executive Board will require members to attend at least 1 meeting annually
We recognize that some members will be exempt from this rule. Members with disabilities, medical conditions, members that live out of county or state and members that rely on others to bring them to the range.
To request an exemption referencing the above situations: Please send an email to the Gun Club with “Exemption” in the subject line. 
 Give us a brief explanation of why you are asking for the exemption.
PLEASE KNOW WE ARE NOT ASKING FOR YOUR PRIVATE MEDICAL INFORMATION. This process requires you to be “On Your Honor” to request consideration. 
The Exemption Request will be reviewed by the committee on a case-by-case basis.  We will respond via email with our decision. We want to accommodate those members truly in need. 
Thank you, 
GHRPC Board of Directors
November 21, 2023 Guest Speaker:  Grays Harbor County Commissioner Vickie Raines. Code of conduct reminder: We treat our guests with respect.

The Draft Meeting Minutes of September 19, 2023, minutes were read.
By vote of the membership, the September 19, 2023, minutes were approved.
Riley spoke of the email reminder for current and new members:
Reminder RE: Mail Chimp GHR&PC Newsletter:  
You will receive the newsletter from “Gun Club”DO NOT mark this email as SPAM. Once a newsletter has been labeled SPAM, Riley is unable to reinstate you on the Newsletter Email Group. RENEWAL reminders are sent via this email. Be informed. Don’t be sad or mad! New members must send the club an email with “New Member”, for your name to be added to the list.
Authentic (Mailchimp) emails will ALWAYS state “GUN CLUB” in the subject line. All communication, activities, range closures, work parties, etc. are sent via this email.

Riley gave the 50 BMG report in Dale’s absence. He also re-read the new rules list to new & current members in attendance.
Guest Speaker: Grays Harbor County Sheriff Darrin Wallace. There was general information given by Darrin, as well as an informative question and answer session.

Gina reminded new and current members of the club’s firearm safety classes, along with instructions on how to register for it.
Roy reminded members to conserve space for other members, when bringing family/guests to the range. He also gave approval of bringing water/milk jugs for Shotgun targets, as long as members clean up their mess when done.

Jake gave instructions re: signing up for the recreation and lease lands. He also reminded members to clean up after yourselves and that there is NO HUNTING in the park or the range.

Shaleen requested members renewing via USPS wait at least 1 month, prior to inquiring about their key and if payment was made by check, please check with your bank to determine if your check has cleared, prior to inquiring.
TRAP SHOOT: Generally, Trap Shoots are scheduled for the third Sunday of each month. We will have an occasional Saturday shoot that will be announced at the meeting and posted on our web calendar. On the day of the trap shoot, the upper range will be closed from 9am to noon. The trap shoot will commence at 9:30 am. Rifle shooters can shoot until 9am on this date. All other ranges will remain open. To protect our equipment, there will NOT be a trap shoot if it is raining. So, if your head gets wet, stay home! Lance reminded trap shooters to carry spent shells in pockets or carrier, otherwise leave them on the ground, until shooting is finished.

The next trap shoot is on hiatus for November & December due to weather. Please check the latest minutes for the current Trap Shoot scheduled calendar dates – then refer to the weather forecast as mentioned in the previous paragraph. For more Trap Shoot information call Lance Fry @ 360-249-8043
BLACK POWDER GROUP: meets on the 2nd Sunday of every month. Report given by Gary in Jerry’s absence.

PISTOL LEAGUE:  Meets Jan-March. (Practice begins in Nov/Dec.) Lasts 10 weeks.
BMG (Specifically Browning): Contact Dale Hensley.                                                          
Report given by Riley in Dale’s absence.  
Roy also reminded members to say something as soon as it happens. The contact numbers are on our website & the whiteboard at the indoor range.  If you see damage or have an accident on the range, notify Roy or Riley, immediately.

Basic Safety and Firearm CourseEagle Trover will be independently providing a Safety and Firearm course. The cost will be $80.00 per person, with a $40.00 deposit upon registration for the class. The class size is limited to 8-10 people. Classes are set to be the last Sunday of each month; 1pm to 6pm. Class application and deposit can be turned into Riley Morris or Roy Pauley on the club meeting night before 6pm. This class is open for members and the publicFor more information, please go to our website and open the Training Tab.

To sign up for the recreation property through the Gun Club, you must first register with Rayonier at: https://www.rayonierhunting.com/
Do Not select a specific land when registering. Once you have completed registration, contact Roy Pauley at: (360) 581-9885.
Roy Pauley will provide a window sticker once you have registered on the Rayonier site. Again, please contact Roy after registering to complete the entire process.   

NEW September Members:
Stephen Boyle             Cheryl Burrows            Ronald Burrows          Lyle Dettloff         Scott Foster             Tom Marshal                        Glenn Oaks                  Adrian Perrigo Shannon Perrigo          Sharin Price                 Robert Rupino             Zachary Sexton Jennie Tran   
A total of 13 prospective members submitted their applications and introduced themselves to the Membership. Applicants were approved by The Membership & voted in as a block.  
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Head (Secretary)
The next meeting of the Grays Harbor Rifle & Pistol Club will be on:
Tuesday, November 21, 2023, at 6:30 p.m.,
at the indoor range of the
Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club
1362 E Hoquiam Rd, Hoquiam, WA 98550

Club meetings are @ 6:30 PM, on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
It is HIGHLY recommended that new members and members renewing arrive at 5:30 p.m., to expedite the application/payment process and ensure that the meeting starts on time.  Please inform prospective members of this as well. 
NO New or Renewal memberships will be processed, after 6:00 p.m. at the monthly meetings.
(Please be sure you sign into club meetings, activities, and donation of volunteer time to keep accurate records. Thank you.)
Website:  https://graysharborgunclub.com  

Email: graysharborgunclub2000@yahoo.com  

 Visit our websiteLike us on Facebook 
Visit our website Like us on Facebook Club meetings are at 6:30PM on the third Tuesday of each month
in the indoor range located at: 
Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club
1362 E Hoquiam Rd
Hoquiam, WA 98550