GHRPC 11/19/2024

Hello GHRPC Members.

Draft Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club for November 19, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by President Riley Morris.

Executive Board/Trustees/Committee Members present included:

President:                       Riley Morris                        

Vice President:               Roy Pauley

Treasurer:                       Shaleen Scott           

Secretary:                       Diane Head

Trustee:                          Gina Rawlings           

Trustee:                          Colin Scott

Trustee:                          Jacob Matsen

Committee Chairs:

Trap Shoot:       Lance Fry

Black Powder:   Jerry Charlton

Pistol League:   Gary Emberley

.50 BMG:           Dale Hensley (excused)

The Treasury report was given by: Shaleen Scott

Committee Report:

Black Powder meets on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 10:00 am. Show up and join or just watch.

Winter Pistol league will start in the fall. Exact dates will be posted in email and on the web page.

Trap Group:

For now, Trap Shoot is on the First Saturday of the month and the Third Sunday of the month. Start at 9:30 a.m. – noon.  Bring your shotgun, a box of shells and $5.00. Dates are posted on the bulletin board and on the “Updates” tab on our web site.  Lance 360-249-8043.

 ** Upper Range is Reserved for Trap Shoot only 9:00 a.m. – noon on these dates. **

Old Business:

The minutes of October 15, 2024, meeting were read and approved by the club.

New Business:

Riley gave BMG information & instructions in Dale’s absence. He explained & gave instructions on the club’s email, instructed new members to stay for orientation & to check the function of their key before leaving. Riley informed all members to report damage immediately to Riley or Roy. Any damages NOT reported immediately will be considered vandalism. Any serious violations of club rules will result in revocation of membership. The last member to leave the range needs to lock the gate. He also informed members of the location of the golfcart key for the upper range.

Roy reminded members to be aware of safety equipment locations and to be patient when leaving after the meetings. He announced future improvement projects coming in the spring, members will be notified via email.

Gina explained as a board, we agreed upon an instructor to use our facility for safety classes. These classes are open to the public as well as Gun Club Members. Basic, Intermediate & Advanced Classes are available. Enroll via the “Training” tab on our website. Class size is limited. E.C. Tovar is the instructor. Come to a meeting for more information.

She also shared that some of the initiatives in this year’s election passed by mistake, and that any member’s protest/demonstration activities DO NOT represent the club. She also announced that the club’s upcoming guest speakers, GHC Sheriff and GHC Commissioner will be in January and February.

Eagle emphasized the importance of gun safety and announced that he is offering FREE beginner firearm safety classes.

Jake reviewed the 10 safety rules that must always be followed while shooting at our range. Jake reminded all members that the club is a Nature Reserve. There is no shooting of wildlife at the range.

Colin is keeping an eye out for any new or changes to gun laws for the club, but nothing to report tonight.

Gary gave the pistol club report.

**ALL members should familiarize themselves with the location of the club’s safety and emergency equipment…


If you see damage or have an accident on the range, please notify Roy or Riley IMMEDIATELY!

A total of 11 prospective members submitted their applications and introduced themselves to the Membership. Applicants were approved by The Membership & voted in as a block.

NEW November Members:

Mark Coleman

Mitch Coleman

Randy Coulter

Bryan Flink

Kevin Freemire

Ronald Pulsipher

Paul Smith

Donald Stewart Jr.

Sarah Shepard

Noah Sudderth

Blake Turpin

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Head (Secretary)

The next meeting of the Grays Harbor Rifle & Pistol Club will be on December 17, 2024.

The meeting will begin at 6:30 PM

PLEASE, NO New or Renewal memberships AFTER 6:00 p.m. at the monthly meetings.

Be sure to PRINT your name on the Sign-In sheet at club meetings, activities, and donation of volunteer time to keep the club’s records accurate.

Thank you!