(3/7/2024)Hello GHRPC Members. DRAFT of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting of the Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club February 20, 2024 The Meeting was called to order @ 6:30 by President Riley Morris. Executive Board/Trustees/Committee members present included: President: Riley Morris Vice President: Roy Pauley Treasurer: Shaleen Scott Secretary: Diane Head Trustee: Gina Rawlings Trustee: Colin Scott Trustee: Jacob Matsen Committee Chairs: Lance Fry: Trap Shoot Jerry Charlton: Black Powder Gary Emberley: Pistol League Dale Hensley: .50 BMG FLAG SALUTE TREASURER REPORT: Shaleen gave the treasury report. OLD BUSINESS: The Draft Meeting Minutes of January 16, 2024, minutes were read. By vote of the membership, the January 16, 2024, minutes were approved. NEW BUSINESS: Roy informed the club about the accidental discharge of a member’s firearm that occurred on the range Sunday. He gave an update on the member’s condition and asked that all members remember to practice safe firearm use and to familiarize themselves with the locations of the Trauma kit on both the upper & lower ranges. Jim Walsh was the club’s guest speaker. He updated the club on the status of house bills, gave a list of Candidates running for office, and responded to questions from club members. The new club mandate was reviewed by Riley, for new and existing club members. The purpose behind the mandate of all members attending one monthly membership meeting a year is simply because members need to keep up to date on range policies and it seems some members have forgotten the basic rules of the Range. This has resulted in possible harm to members and definite damage to OUR RANGE. Going forward: A SHORT REVIEW OF THESE RULES WILL BE READ AT EVERY MEETING. The GHR&PC Board agreed to implement a special paper punch for each Club Member’s membership card when they attend a meeting. If you have a punched membership card, you may renew your 2024 membership at the monthly meeting or via USPS mail by sending your current punched membership card, a completed “B” form and your dues. If you have lost your card, it can be replaced for free at the meeting and punched at the same time, or you may have a replacement membership card mailed to you for a $5.00 fee, but you will still need to attend a meeting to get your membership card punched. The Executive Board will require members to attend at least 1 meeting annually. We recognize that some members will be exempt from this rule. Life members, members with disabilities, medical conditions, members that live out of county or state and members that rely on others to bring them to the range. To request an exemption referencing the above situations: Please send an email to the Gun Club with “Exemption” in the subject line. Give us a brief explanation of why you are asking for the exemption. PLEASE KNOW WE ARE NOT ASKING FOR YOUR PRIVATE MEDICAL INFORMATION. This process requires you to be “On Your Honor” to request consideration. The Exemption Request will be reviewed by the committee on a case-by-case basis. We will respond via email with our decision. We want to accommodate those members truly in need. Thank you, GHRPC Board of Directors OTHER BUSINESS: Riley gave the email reminder for current and new members. Riley reminded members. (1) If you bring it into or onto the range, take it out with you when you leave (the range does not have garbage service). (2) Please try to park in an orderly fashion in the parking lot. (3) Keep non-family member guests to two (2). (4) Members entering or leaving the range, lock the gate behind them. The contact numbers are on our website & posted at the range. If you see damage or have an accident on the range, please notify Roy or Riley, immediately. Shayleen reminded members renewing via USPS to check the status of their payment with their bank prior to contacting her regarding their membership card and key. Gina reminded new and current members of the club’s firearm safety classes, along with instructions on how to register. Jake gave instructions re: signing up for the recreation and lease lands. He also reminded members to clean up after yourselves and that there is NO HUNTING in the park or the range. RECREATION PROPERTY: To sign up for the recreation property through the Gun Club, you must first register with Rayonier at: https://www.rayonierhunting.com/. Do Not select a specific land when registering. Once you have completed registration, contact Roy Pauley at: (360) 581-9885. Roy Pauley will provide a window sticker once you have registered on the Rayonier site. Again, please contact Roy after registering to complete the entire process. TRAP SHOOT: Generally, Trap Shoots are scheduled for the third Sunday of each month. We will have an occasional Saturday shoot that will be announced at the meeting and posted on our web calendar. On the day of the trap shoot, the upper range will be closed from 9am to noon. The trap will commence at 9:30 am. Rifle shooters can shoot until 9am on this date. All other ranges will remain open. Lance reminded trap shooters to carry spent shells in pockets or carrier, otherwise leave them on the ground, until shooting is finished. The next trap shoot is scheduled for Sunday, March 17, 20204 @ 9:30. Please check the latest minutes for the current Trap Shoot scheduled calendar dates. For more Trap Shoot information call Lance Fry @ 360-249-8043 BLACK POWDER GROUP: Meets on the 2nd Sunday of every month. PISTOL LEAGUE: Meets Jan-March. (Practice begins in Nov/Dec). Lasts 10 weeks and will start the 2nd Monday in January (1/8/24). BMG (Specifically Browning): Contact Dale Hensley. Basic Pistol and First Step Qualification Course: Eagle Trover will be independently providing a Safety and Firearm course. The cost will be $100.00 per person, with a $50.00 deposit upon registration for the class. The class size is limited to 8-10 people. Classes are set to be the last Sunday of each month; 1 to 6pm. Class application and deposit can be turned into Riley Morris or Roy Pauley on the club meeting night before 6pm. This class is open to members and the public. For more information, please go to our website and open the Training Tab. NEW February Members: John Cribbs Charles Cromm Jesse Grover Anthony Mclucas Anthony Nowak Robert Rasmussen Deniese Sajdak Robert Sajdak Henry Sherman, Sr. Tina Sith Barbara Vessey Trent Wood Jeffery Wooldridge Robert Yowell A total of 14 prospective members submitted their applications and introduced themselves to the Membership. Applicants were approved by The Membership & voted in as a block. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Diane Head (Secretary) Club meetings are @ 6:30 PM, on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. It is HIGHLY recommended that new members and members renewing arrive at 5:30 p.m., to expedite the application/payment process and ensure that the meeting starts on time. Please inform prospective members of this as well. NO New or Renewal memberships will be processed, AFTER 6:00 p.m. at the monthly meetings. Please be sure to PRINT your name on the sign-in sheet at club meetings, activities, and donation of volunteer time to keep the club’s records accurate. Thank you! The next meeting of the Grays Harbor Rifle & Pistol Club will be on: Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at 6:30 p.m., at the indoor range of the Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club 1362 E Hoquiam Rd, Hoquiam, WA 98550 |