Hello GHRPC Members and families.
Good afternoon. Over the years I have been asked if the gun club could have an annual club picnic. I met with the officers earlier this month to try and find a date where there’s not a holiday to interrupt us and we decided to give it a try.
Our First Annual (*tentative) GHRPC members and family Picnic will be held on:
Sunday, July 16th.
1pm to 4pm. serving food until its gone
Menu includes: Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Kielbasa Sausage, Corn on the cobb, potato salad and soft drinks and water. If you wish to bring an item, you’re more than welcome to.
*The 1st Annual GHR&PC Picnic will determine if we will hold a 2nd Annual GHR&PC Picnic. Member turnout is the key to this decision.
The lower ranges will be closed from 10am to 5pm for this event on July 16th.
Upper Range will be closed from 9:30 to noon for scheduled Trap Shoot
Riley Morris